For a number of services/specialities, you do not need to wait for your GP to refer you; you can self-refer or get advice. These services include:
"Physio Direct" self-referral service for neck, back or joint pain, or after an injury: Refer online. They can also help with male and female urinary urge or incontinence problems.
As soon as you know you are pregnant, you can self-refer to the midwifery team. There is no need to speak to a GP unless you have concerns or are on medication or would like further advice. You can download a self-referral form (PDF, 48KB) or ask for a form at reception. Please hand in at the surgery reception when completed.
You can refer yourself to the podiatry team if you have a long-term health condition, have a foot ulcer or infection, have a bunion, have an ingrown toenail, or you require insoles. You can download a referral form (PDF, 115KB) or ask for a form at reception. Please hand in at the surgery reception when completed.
Exam Stress
For both young people and parents
Mental Health Crisis
The First Response Service (FRS) puts your mental health first. It provides 24-hour access, seven days a week, 365 days a year, to mental health care, advice and support.
If you are experiencing something that makes you feel unsafe, distressed or worried about your mental health you can now contact the FRS by dialling 111 and selecting option 2. More information here.
Common Mental Health Conditions
This service is set up to help those aged 17 and over who are suffering from mild to moderate depression and anxiety disorders including generalised anxiety, social anxiety, post traumatic stress, health anxiety, panic, phobia or obsessive compulsive disorder. All of the talking therapies offered as part of our Psychological Wellbeing Service work by helping you understand what is happening to you, help you to work through your difficult feelings and learn new ways of coping in order to improve your wellbeing. Visit for more information.
Young Persons (11-25) Mental well-being
Kooth is a confidential and anonymous online service for young people, specifically developed to make it easy and safe for young people to access mental health support as and when they need it, while removing any associated stigma.
Once signed up, Kooth, users have access to BACP trained counsellors available until 10.00pm, 365 days a year, peer-to-peer support through moderated forums, and a range of self-help materials, co-written by other young people. Any young person aged 11 to 25 with a Cambridgeshire and Peterborough postcode can access the service for free.
Sexual Health (screening and contraception)
Anyone young or old can access help here now: or call 0300 300 3030
Free Condoms By Post call 01480 418 666 or email
Childhood Illness
The following links provide useful information to parents and carers of children about common childhood ailments.
Worried now about your child (aged 3 months and over)? Information for parents and carers.
Self care is about looking after yourself in a healthy way. It can be anything from brushing your teeth, doing some exercise, managing common conditions (like headaches, colds and flu) or living with a long-term health problem, such as asthma or diabetes. Visit for more information.
Referral to Hospital
If you and your GP agree that you need to be referred to a specialist, the GP will send a request to the hospital of your choice, asking them to see you. The NHS is committed to making sure that your treatment is started within 18 weeks. This is the maximum length of time you will wait but you may be treated sooner than this. If your treatment can be given in an out-patient clinic, it will be started within that time. Of course, if your treatment is needed more urgently, it will be started much more quickly.
Whenever possible, you will be given the opportunity to choose which hospital you attend, and agree the date and time of your first hospital appointment to make it easier for you to attend. For many specialities, our secretaries will be able to make your initial hospital appointment for you, via the on-line "E-Referrals" system, which links to the hospital appointments system. They will usually telephone you shortly after your GP consultation to offer you a range of appointment times and locations for your hospital appointment. Once you have made your choice, you will be sent confirmatory details of your hospital appointment. Where appointments have been made through "E-Referrals", you will be given a password and a unique booking reference number, which allows you to access the appointments system yourself (via phone or internet) if you need to cancel or rearrange the appointment.