These are the local standards set within this practice for the benefit of our patients. It is our job to give you treatment and advice. Following discussion with you, you will receive the most appropriate care, given by suitably qualified people. No care or treatment will be given without your informed consent. In the interest of your health it is important for you to understand all the information given to you. Please ask us a question(s) if you are unsure of anything.
Ramsey Health Centre - Our Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide excellence in health care to our patients, with a personalised service involving respect, confidentiality and compassion.
Our Responsibility To You
You will have access to a doctor rapidly in the event of an emergency. We offer both face-to-face and telephone consultations with a doctor. Patients can usually see a health professional on the day of choice, however there may be occasions when this is not possible, but we will ensure patients are seen within 48 hours of request. Where possible, you will be offered a doctor of your choice, but if all the appointments for the day have been taken you will either be asked to phone back the following morning, or you will be contacted by someone from the on-call duty team who will decide whether or not you need to be seen that day. As always, you will have access to a doctor rapidly in the event of an emergency.
Your Responsibility To Us
Help us to help you
Please let us know as soon as possible of any changes in your personal information – address, phone number (including mobile), email etc. You may use the Change of Address Form. Fill out the details and press the send button. Alternatively, please drop into the practice and complete a paper form.
Please do everything you can to keep appointments. Tell us as soon as possible if you cannot. Otherwise, other patients may have to wait longer.
We need help too. Please ask for home visits by the doctor only when the person is too ill to visit the surgery.
Please keep your phone call brief and avoid calling during the peak morning time for non-urgent matters.
Test results take time to reach us, so please do not ring before you have been asked to do so. Enquiries about tests ordered by the hospital should be directed to the hospital, not the practice.
We ask that you treat the doctors and practice staff with courtesy and respect.
Please read our practice booklet. This will help you to get the best out of the services we offer.
It is important that you understand the information given to you. Please ask us questions if you are unsure of anything.
Remember, you are responsible for your own health and health of your children. We will give you our professional help and advice. Please act upon it.
Online Services
Ramsey Health Centre's Statement of Intent for the upgrading of online services can be found here (PDF, 27KB).
Anonymous Call Barring
Do you have call barring at home? If so, the practice may have trouble contacting you. You may wish to consider adding the surgery numbers to your preferred list.
The information provided on this website is intended solely for patients of the practice and should not be used as a substitute for personal advice direct from a GP. Download more information here (DOC, 32KB).